Your ANBIETENplus – online shop is brilliant for regional. Why?
This allows you to start small, have affordable costs and gradually grow your virtual shop window online. From 69€ (excl. VAT) and including a consultation for setting up the online shop! Good things are so close, but customers should know about them! We will be happy to advise you.
In the shop you can:
- easily offer your products for daily use
- introduce new product offers at any time
- deliver, pick up or send.
This is how you generate sales and help those who can’t come to your shop. It’s a win-win situation that can help you for a long time.
Additional opportunities are obvious
These are your chances too:
- local marketing on social media, that you are there and your goods are easily orderable day and night
- you choose the radiuses or target areas for which you want to market online
- you can digitally test how your new ideas are received, which is a great opportunity. If word gets out digitally how great your new product is, you’ve already gained and saved a lot in the beginning!
Well equipped for a new age. Because of the Corona crisis, we help you to set up your online shop particularly efficiently and to operate it with low costs for the online service (from 9.90€ excl. VAT per month). So erweiterst du bereits um nur 9,90Eur dein Geschäft mit virtuellen 4 Wänden eines Online-Vertriebes.
If you are interested, we would be happy to help: Call us on +43 660 1565585 (or WhatsApp-Nachricht) or send us an email to (regarding: ANBIETENplus).
This special offer is only valid for companies in Austria and is limited for orders until the end of April 2020.
Requests from other countries are gladly accepted separately.